Monday, May 4, 2009

The Answer

It was a cheese sandwich, on whole grain, with mayo. Not grilled.

In restrospect, I can't say I blame him.

[This entire paragraph naming the six items he will eat without complaint has been redacted in an attempt to make myself look less self-critical than I actually am.]


ShallowGal said...

Yeah, I'm on his side. Please never give him that again.

Ash said...

Not grilled?! Blasphemy.

And that little girl in the ad - zowee. I hope mommy hides the sharp knives.

Life As I Know It said...

eh, don't feel bad. my 7 year old has had a bagel with cream cheese every day for lunch this year...except Fridays when he buys pizza.

Someday they will eat more, right?

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Well, duh! Whole Grain . . . he's old enough to have been exposed to white by now.

Kate Coveny Hood said...

My oldest (age 4) only eats cheese melted on bread (or tortilla - which is more often since it's easier for me to make). And sometimes he just peels off the cheese and skips the bread. So it's kind of an all cheese diet. I'm the best mom ever.

Nicki said...

It sounds DELICIOUS to me!

Funnyrunner said...

I think if you had just added bacon it woulda been okay...


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