Friday, May 16, 2008

Zoo Field Trip - A Pictorial

This is the Zoo:This is the school bus carrying HRH and his classmates to the zoo. MM is driving the SUV directly behind the aforementioned schoolbus as everyone knows the schoolbus is the route root of all evil.This is RC sobbing into his blanket because he is not registed at HRH's preschool until fall and therefore cannot ride the bus.These are some suicidal flamingos "preening" in stagnant, smelly, brackish water that the Zoo wants you to believe is their preference. This is the train for which RC found the start button as other kids were boarding.

Untitled. Understood.


~Swankymama said...

"suicidal flamingos" - bwa ha ha ha!!

Phoenix said...

Love the last one.

I am officially against the zoo. It's an evil place. All the animals and dust. I need a bubble to go there.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Field trips, glad those days are gone! Altough it was fun at the time.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Field trips, glad those days are gone! Altough it was fun at the time.

JCK said...

Suicidal flamingos go well with a good glass of wine.


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