Scene: MM and The Daddy preparing for bed.
Daddy: Babe, I gotta tell you, in the realm of "harsh" tonight, you cracked me up.
MM: Smiles beatifically.
The boys have always had their own rooms but given a choice, HRH would rather share space with his brother. From Mom and Dad's standpoint, HRH camping in Gremlin's room increases the chances of a full night's sleep for everyone. IT's called a win-win - except the obvious fooling around, blanket disruption, tossing of stuffed animals, and moving of beds (really?) that accompanies shared sleeping space. So in and out the parents go; cajoling, threatening, ultimately separating. The problem is that Grem actually prefers to sleep by himself so as the instigator, he's got nothing to lose and I've lost hand.
Last night, post-bath, as the boys were engaged in their pre-bedtime ritual of coercion and bribery attempts for co-sleeping, HRH bumped into his bedside lamp, sending it crashing to the floor and breaking the bulb. I react like a medic on the battlefield. Clearing the barefoot boys from the scene and going down on hands and knees with a dustpan and brush, then the Dustbuster. Cleaner than it was before 'the incident'.
I then tell the boys that because of the danger of glass, I think that HRH should definitely sleep in Gremlin's room tonight. This was of course, not the concern. The shake-down had gone on for nearly half an hour and I was simply tired of hearing it. We tuck in and do God Blesses.
And I leave them with this warning; "If there is any fooling around, the person that started it will be sleeping in HRH's room. With the glass."
Not a word. Not a sound. Straight to sleep.
Lent Cards for Christian Families: Pray, Fast, Serve
22 hours ago
roflmao. That qualifies as awesome in my world.
You gotta do what you gotta do!
I bow down to you.
Oooh. I'm tempted to break a glass tonight...
Very impressive!
Bravo, Mommy!
Sheer brilliance. Bravo, my dear.
Score one for mom. Sounds like something I would do too.
Oh, you're an eeeeeeeeeeevil genius - my favorite kind!!
What did you break the next night?
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