Two and a half years ago, I wrote about the angst and anxiety associated with deciding where to send HRH for kindergarten. We made our decision and felt good about it. Let's go buy some uniforms, it's off to Catholic school we go!
Two years ago, I met several mothers at Little League who warned me repeatedly about the Kindergarten teacher to whom HRH had been assigned. We chose to take these cautions with a grain of salt and form our own opinions.
A little less than two years ago, I wrote in excruciating detail about moving HRH out of St Somewhere's following a harrowing several months where every warning I'd received and then some came back to bite me in the ass.
First grade was ideal!
Last month, we received Gremlin's teacher assignment. We got my first choice!
School starts nine days from now. There are four second grade teachers. According to the Mommy Telegraph, two are good. One is new. And one is She-who-must-not-be-named. Yesterday, we returned to our annual pilgrimage to Storyland to receive our class assignment: Mrs. Anyone-But-Her. Here we go again.
I read back through my old posts on the topic and find a common theme; Kindergarten is such a watershed year. It's important to have the right teacher. This is his first year in a new school, it's so important to start off on the right foot. And now? Second grade is so early on. He loves school. What if this teacher is as bad as everyone says?
I get it. He won't always have the best teacher. I didn't. I survived. I'm not going to spoon feed him through college but isn't part of my job to make sure he does get what's best for him?
This time, I am listening to the warnings. I'm asking specific questions; what do you mean she's "not a good teacher?" Can you be a bit more specific? Did your child have her or was it just someone you'd talked to? I talked to good friend of mine who happens to teach. I've got emails out to other teacher-friends. I also emailed HRH's 1st grade teacher asking if she thought this assignment was "a good fit" - and yes, I included my cell and home numbers so she can call me below the radar.
I've gotten Andy's agreement if not his blessing. I'm in my Discovery Phase today and tomorrow. Then it's decision time. And all this is assuming that I'll get my own way and the principal will honor my request for a change.
Lather, Rinse, Repeat...
DIY Butterfly Pens: A Sweet Spring Garden Gift
2 weeks ago