Sunday, April 4, 2010

They Grow Up So...Fast?

Scene:  Manic Mommy spies 6-year-old neighbor out front window, clearly trolling for a playmate.

MM to Wii-playing 7-year-old:  You know, HRH,  Annabelle would probably love it if you went out with her.

HRH (out the side of his mouth):  You mean like on a date?

This from the kid that thinks a giant rabbit broke into our house last night and left candy.

Happy Easter, my peeps!


  1. They're so grown up in some ways and such little kids in others, huh? LOVE this.

  2. LOL, I can't believe he even knew what that was yet!

  3. I'm glad she wasn't waiting for a date... she was out there an awful long time, lol!


Stayed for coffee.