Wednesday, August 19, 2009

About Last Night...

Gremlin to Night Terror

Daddy to Gremlin
Manic Mommy to Gremlin

Daddy to Kitchen for drink(s)

HRH (camping on Gremlin's floor) to Mommy and Daddy's bed
Cat to Mommy and Daddy's bed

Mommy and Gremlin to Potty

Daddy to Bed

Gremlin to Bed

Mommy to M&D Bed to retrieve HRH
HRH to Campsite
Cat to Hallway
HRH to own bed to be with cat
Cat to Bathroom Sink for drink

Mommy to Downstairs to retrieve Dog
Mommy and Dog to Crate in M&D Room
Mommy to Downstairs to lock up
Mommy to Downstairs for water
Mommy and Cat to HRH's Room

Mommy to Bathroom
Mommy to Gremlin's Room for last check

Mommy to BED.

* With a shout out to the inimitable Holly at June Cleaver Nirvana and her animated life. As I was going about this business last night, I could only think of diagramming it.


  1. Looks

    Motherhood is so glamorous, isn't it?

  2. I have a headache just reading about it! LOL!

  3. Well, on the plus side, you can cancel that gym membership....

  4. Yeah, Holly is the queen of illustrations.

    Yours is quite commendable, though. How did you do this? On a whiteboard? Or is there some sort of software that does this?

  5. ha! Nice illustrations. I can totally identify with the situation...unfortunately! Thanks for the shout out.

  6. That's hysterical. You know, unless you were living it.

  7. I may just have a nightmare about this tonight.

  8. Just think of all those calories that were burned.

    But the diagram? Totally money.

  9. I know, all too well, what this night was like for you! We have them here a few times a week. Kids wake up, cats are fighting, I'm thirsty, I can't sleep, etc.
    You can just describe it much better than I can!

  10. Take out the dog and cat and add a flight of stairs and it looks very similar to my night. Gah.

  11. Ohhh, I would have been SO grumpy by the end of all of this!


Stayed for coffee.