Tuesday, February 24, 2009

WWSD - What Would Stimey Do (Part Deux)?

How incredibly timely that I chose today to tackle this job only to log in to find that it's Stimey's Junkiversary! I should be receiving the restraining order from her any day now. Seriously, it was a coincidence - I swear!

Anyway, the canned goods cabinet has been the bane of my existence for a while now. Those who've recently been in my kitchen are probably saying "Really? That's the part that's bothering you?"

The answer is yes, and here's why. Behold,


Do you know what's in there? I didn't. Thus the problem. I can definitely tell you now that a bunch of it was expired (and that I went through a mad iced tea phase awhile ago):

Add one industrial size Lazy Susan for the stuff we use regularly (yes, we go through a TON of peanut butter)...and voila!


I almost forgot how good a place for everything and everything in its place made me feel. I even cleaned out the "extra drinks" cabinet beside it. I can't wait for recycling day!


  1. My attorney will be serving you papers one day this week.

    Look how beautiful this looks!!! Way to go! Isn't it horrifying to find expired canned goods? Because those things are supposed to last for a long time. I've been there, sister. Oh, I've been there.

    Great idea on the lazy susan.

  2. I love projects like that (when I'm in the mood for them)!

  3. ... see, I've also been in that cabinet, and I feel you made the right call.

  4. I am always amazed at how happy clean cabinets make me. Yours is beyootiful!

  5. We, too, go through PB like crazy. At any given time, we may have two or three jars going...

    Looks great!

  6. There is nothing quite as satisfying as a good ol' fashioned "pantry purge" ! (don't ask to see mine, cuz it's scary right now)

  7. I was just thinking that would make a good blog post...amazing how doing 1 simple task, that you've been avoiding forever...can make you feel so good! Gives you a sense of control about SOMETHING!

  8. Now you're just making me look bad.

  9. Wow, that really is satisfying.


Stayed for coffee.