Saturday, January 10, 2009

As We Conclude The Week of the Gremlin...

...I give you this:

Scene: Last Friday, headed down to Cape Cod for the day. The entire Manic family is in the truck. We've already played I-Spy, sung songs, found books, eaten snacks, and begged for naps to make the time pass more quickly. Appropos of nothing:
Gremlin: Aww Fuck it!

Daddy (sounding firm but casual so as not to encourage future recitations): Gremlin, that's not a word we use. It's a grown-up word and it's very fresh.

Gremlin: Okay, Daddy. I won't say Aww. Fuck it, anymore.



  1. Waaaaaiiiitt...Are you me? Is your family my family? And if we are, in fact, two separate entities, thank damn God, because I was starting to think that I was the only one whose kids did things like say the f-word at preschool. Oh, just me then?

  2. Hahaha! We make it a point NOT to curse in front of the kids. But eventually they always hear it from somewhere. My 5 yo walked up the other day, and proclaimed "DAMMIT!" We all stood around with our mouths hanging open. Then we had a "who taught him that, cuz it wasn't *me* " arguement. LOL

  3. Gee, I guess it runs in the the 2nd born of your older sister? Remember them decorating the Christmas tree when 2nd born asked if she could say "F*ing Kids"? And when told no, asked "WHY can't I say F*ing kids?" Hilarious!

    Pal heard the "B" word on one of my shows last night and said "Well, THAT was awkward."

    At least he hasn't dropped the F bomb....yet. He's made it to 9, so we're on a roll over here!!

  4. Fuck it! You came to the cape and you didn't tell me?! I am sure my kids could have taught your kids a few more words to use on the way home!
    Come visit me next time!

  5. What? Where did he hear that kind of language? I blame television. No more Noggin for him.

  6. Aha, clever, clever boy.

    My gremlins said 'no shut up' for weeks last year after I forbid 'shut up.' No shut up, no say shut up mommy, gravely and with obvious devious intent. They are smarter than we are.


Stayed for coffee.